What are the names of your cats?
Ziggy and Charlie

Where is your cat family located in?
We live in Tucson, Arizona USA.
What are the breeds of your cats?
They are both Rescue tabbies.
How old are your cats?
Ziggy is 15 months and Charlie is 13 months
Where can we find your cats on social media?
On Instagram @ziggy.and.charlie

In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cats' personalities.
Ziggy is very smart & intuitive. She is super curious & brave. Charlie is very affectionate, cuddly & goofy. He lives with abandon in everything he does.
How have your cats transformed your life from the moment you've met them till now?
We both have had many other cats over the years but we have a deeper bond with Ziggy and Charlie for quite a few reasons. Now that we are both fully into adulthood (haha) & more financially stable, we have been able to focus more of our time, energy and resources on their enrichment than we have with previous pets. Exploring outside with them has also helped our bond grow stronger. The trust that we’ve built up with each other while Catexploring has been amazing to experience. They also make us laugh constantly & are a source of positivity in our lives!
What do your cats mean to you?
They are a part of our family & enrich our lives in so many ways.

How did you and your cats first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
Our previous cat Beverly passed away from FIP after we had only had her for a year, and we knew we wanted to get another cat. We saw Ziggy’s picture through the Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter in Tucson & immediately wanted to meet her because she was a rare female orange tabby. We instantly fell in love with her, and then along came Charlie! He was one of the tiniest kittens in the kitten room with such a sweet & silly personality. The two of them got along well at the shelter so we decided to adopt them both.
What do you think your cats think of you?
We think they definitely see us as their family. We are often also their entertainment! In certain circumstances, like when we’re cat exploring or going someplace new or potentially challenging, we are also their protectors & they trust us to keep them safe. We are also the keepers of the elusive red dot & the treats so that’s something too!

Your cats are part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
Ziggy loves to play fetch & other interactive games with us. She is more aloof than Charlie but checks in with us regularly for affection. Charlie loves to spend time with us & is a big ol' cuddlebug! He has a spot on our couch between us on his favourite blanket that he loves to make biscuits on! He will also follow us around the house for extra attention & just to see what we’re up to.
We think it’s important for people to understand that cats are just as valued members of the family as dogs are, and cats have more emotional depth than people give them credit for. They are smart, loving & can really enrich the lives of the humans they live with!

What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
We think it’s important for people to understand that cats are just as valued members of the family as dogs are, and cats have more emotional depth than people give them credit for. They are smart, loving & can really enrich the lives of the humans they live with!
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