What is the name of your cat?
Suki Zucchini

Where is your cat family located in?
We live in NSW, Australia.
What is the breed of your cat?
Suki is a Torbie (tabby x tortoiseshell)
How old is your cat?
She is 1 year old.
Where can we find your cat on social media?
On Instagram @Suki.the.zucchini
In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cat's personalities.
Suki is the sleepiest, chill kitten you’ll ever meet. She’s always hungry and loves attention.
How has your cat transformed your life from the moment you've met him till now?
Suki has made me enjoy the little things and take time away from technology. She always manages to do something absolutely hilarious and there is never a dull moment with her!

What does your cat mean to you?
Suki is my world. 🌍
How did you and your cat first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
Once upon a time, there was an extremely sleepy kitten. The poor baby wasn’t wanted, so she was put up for adoption. One day, a kind (and frankly, beautiful) young lady decided to adopt a kitten. She had oh so many choices. So many choices, in fact, it took her 3 hours to finally pick the kitten she wanted. There were playful kittens, aggressive kitten, tiny kittens, snuggly kittens, but the lady fell in love with the sleepiest one. The one that wasn’t fussed about hugs, or people. The lady adopted that kitten, and they lived happily ever after.
What do you think your cat thinks of you?
We think she considers us cuddle slaves! 😂

Your cat is part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that she considers you part of theirs?
Suki is very kind and generous, she lets me sleep in *her* queen bed, and even lets me eat the food I’ve gotten for myself.
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
I don’t think many people really think that animals can be loved and valued as much a human family member can. I think the campaign could help make people realise the value cats have in people’s lives.
Over to you...
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