What are the names of your cats?
Sir Oscar, Tinsel, Purrsula van Cat, King George the Purr'd

Where is your cat family located in?
We live in Ireland, Co. Dublin.
What are the breeds of your cats?
They are Rescue Cats.
How old are your cats?
They are between 8 months and 10 years old
Where can we find your cats on social media?
On Instagram @leandra__cc__cats
In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cats' personalities.
Oscar is a scaredy-cat, Tinsel is a beast but gets easily spooked, Purrsula is chillaxed and funny, she's a therapy cat. King George is a stray who moved into my garden. I'm trying to win his trust and also trap and neuter him. We're making progress, I'm allowed to touch him now!
How have your cats transformed your life from the moment you've met them till now?
Each of my cats has a different personality and its hard to pin it down how each cat transformed my life. One thing they have in common though: they all fill me with love.
What do your cats mean to you?
They mean the world to me. They bring me so much joy and love and helped me through some really dark times. Oscar and Truffles (who crossed the rainbow bridge a year ago) moved all the way from Germany to Ireland with me. I couldn't have done it without them.

How did you and your cats first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
Oscar was actually in a cat shelter and I was there to get another cat. But when I entered the room, he meowed at me and fell asleep in my arms and that was it - I had to take him home.
King George appeared in my garden about a year ago, he visited maybe once a month and looked well fed. Since the covid19 lockdown, I've seen him in my garden every day and he looked thinner. I started to calmly approach him and take photos with a zoom lens to get a better look and I fell in love with his face.
Since then I've tried everything to find a possible owner, to win his trust, and to get him trapped and neutered. The first time he let me hand feed him treats I actually cried happy tears.

What do you think your cats think of you?
King George probably thinks I'm not too bad. I give him treats and lots of them (to win him over) and Purrsula probably thinks I'm crazy.
Your cats are part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
They sleep in bed with me, slow blink at me which is how cats show affection, and they try to groom me.

What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
I love animals. All animals. I have cats because they suit my lifestyle the best. An insurance agent once told me no wonder I was single because I have several cats. He wouldn't have said this if I had dogs or horses. What's the difference? I just want people to understand how therapeutical and affectionate cats can be.
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