What are the names of your cats?
Nolan and Nikka

Where is your cat family located in?
We just moved to Italy, Nolan will come soon to Sardinia for the summer and then Sicily, and Nikka will live with grandma in Genova.
What are the breeds of your cats?
They are both Somali cats.
How old are your cats?
Nolan is 3 and Nikka is 1
Where can we find your cats on social media?
On Instagram @nolan_the_cool_somali_cat

In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cats' personalities.
Nolan is very kind and loves human contact, likes to hang out and loves birdwatching.
Nikka is a real princess! Acts like such and loves to sleep on the pillow
How have your cats transformed your life from the moment you've met them till now?
It’s like having children, the intense levels of responsibility and love are very similar!
What do your cats mean to you?
They’re my babies, just the best for them!

How did you and your cats first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
I picked up Nolan in Bordeaux in France from a breeder, he’s a French boy and had his first aeroplane flight to Nice to join home, the whole flight adored him. Nikka is from a Russian breeder and she flew to Nice by aeroplane too, she was very brave!
What do you think your cats think of you?
I hope they love me 😅😅

Your cats are part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
They do lots of things, particularly their always giving me cuddles and kisses, sleeping with me and following me around!

What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
For me, they are my family and I love to share my passion for cats as part of my family with others who feel the same way!
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