What are the names of your cats?
Loekie and Minetje

Where is your cat family located in?
We live in Germany.
What are the breeds of your cats?
We don't know what breeds they are as they are both rescue kitties!
How old are your cats?
Loekie is 11 and Minetje is 13.
Where can we find your cats on social media?
On Instagram @renske_aken

In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cats' personalities.
Both of them are very affectionate cats, towards both each other and myself. Loekie loves to explore (on the leash) and always gives me head bumps. Minetje prefers to be in the garden and she loves to play. One minute she wants to cuddle and the next she is jumping around.
How have your cats transformed your life from the moment you've met them till now?
They make my home feel like home, even after moving a lot. It makes me happy to see them happy and when I’m sad, they are always a reason to look up again.
What do your cats mean to you?
They are the best, I can’t imagine not having them in my life.

How did you and your cats first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
I decided I would love to have a cat and started searching. In the shelter, they did not approve of me as a cat owner because I was student and single. Then I found Minetje through a website. I went to see her and she came home with me. Later she had three kittens, one of them is Loekie.
What do you think your cats think of you?
I think they both see us as their family members!

Your cats are part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
They fall asleep on my lap purring, they stay close to me when outside. They want to be close whatever I’m doing 😉. They meow at me when worried (or when they are hungry 😉)

What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
Because everyone should know all pets have their own personalities and deserve the very best we can give them!
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