What are the names of your cats?
Freya and Loki

Photo (above) of Freya and Loki. Photo taken by @freya_loki_kitties
Where is your cat family located in?
We live in Canberra, Australia.
What are the breeds of your cats?
Freya is a Bengal cross and Loki is a domestic short hair.
How old are your cats?
They are both 1.5 years old.
Where can we find your cats on social media?
On Instagram @freya_loki_kitties

Photo (above): Freya in her cat backpack ready to explore the great outdoors. Photo taken by @freya_loki_kitties
In a few short words/sentences, tell us about your cats' personalities.
Freya is curious but cautious, she is an adventurer and loves walks. She is affectionate and very vocal.
Loki is very food motivated and happy to do tricks for treats. He can be assertive if he does not want something but is generally pretty relaxed. He loves waking us up with face rubs.
How have your cats transformed your life from the moment you've met them till now?
We are happier since getting them and more likely to keep our place tidy. We learned a lot about walking cats, clicker training, and agility training for cats. I have become involved in the community of adventure cats and have discussed adventuring with multiple cat families across the world.
What do your cats mean to you?
They mean the world to us; we cannot imagine our lives without them. Every day we wake up to see them lying on us. They make me motivated to train them and take them out for walks. They help relax us when we are stressed. They are like our children.
How did you and your cats first meet? Tell it to us in the form of a short story.
We saw a Bengal cross advertised and when we went and met Freya we fell in love with her. When we had had Freya for a few weeks we wondered if she was missing out by being the only kitten, we discussed it and saw two kittens on the RSPCA website, we went down and picked up Loki, he started purring the moment we held him and we knew he was coming home with us.

What do you think your cats think of you?
They see us as their family member, person to cuddle, trainer, and food giver.
Your cats are part of your family. What are some things they do that make you think that they consider you part of theirs?
Freya rolls around and shows us her belly, she talks to us and is very vocal when she wants something, such as being bored or wanting attention.
Loki grooms us and rubs his face on our face, he always wakes us up in the morning and comes when called.
What are some accounts your cats like to follow on Instagram?
Why do you feel that it is important to show the world that Cats are Family?
I believe it is important because cats can make humans feel a strong maternal/paternal bond. The love that you feel for your cats is strong and it is important to recognise this. It is important as many people don’t understand the bond between humans and cats and often cats can get a bad reputation.
Many people still don’t realise that cats are loving and caring. There can also be issues in getting rentals with cats and they don’t get the same respect as other pets in ‘pet-friendly’ areas.
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